What is the American Dream?
American Dream (noun) : an American social ideal that stresses egalitarianism and especially material prosperity also : the prosperity or life that is the realization of this ideal (merriam-webster) The American Dream Back Then John Hector St. John Crevecoeur, who was once a lieutenant in France then emigrated in 1755 to North America, accumulated wealth as an American farmer. He starts his essay in his work called Letters from an American Farmer with the question: "WHAT IS AN AMERICAN." (LETER III, 1) According to him, Europeans sick and tired of the feudalism and ecclesiastical structure that was dominating the society and people's way of life. The hope and craving for a new perspective that can free themselves from hierarchical structure in terms of economical or social status was triggered and mingled with the 'discovery' of this new land, which is now called America. In this new land, people sought for equality in political, econo...